Promoting Girls’ Rights on International Day for Girl Child International Day fro Girl Child Mariyam Suleman women rights YES Alumni +
Honor Killing: An Inhumane Custom Honor Killing human rights Inhumane Custom Mariyam Suleman violation women rights +
Celebrating World Literacy Day With the Women of Gwadar gwadar Mariyam Suleman World Literacy Day YES Alumni +
Gwadar: Increase in Road Accidents and Casualties gwadar kulanch Mariyam Suleman road accidents the balochistan point +
DHQ Hospital Gwadar: Epitome of Bad Governance doctors gwadar health care facilities hospital Mariyam Suleman the balochistan point +
One of My Successful News Stories In The Balochistan balochistan Chinese deprived students donation gwadar Mariyam Suleman School Buses the balochistan point +
اینی فرینک ءِ رودپتر Anne Frank's Diary Anne Frank balochi book review diary Germany gwadar Mariyam Suleman young girl +